Hi to my blogger friends! I feel like I was caught up in a whirlwind over the past several days, but it was an awesome time.
Had a great time at the Coffee Tree with our band, "A Band Named Sue" for our premier performance! It was fun as you can see in this video. Visit ABNS's channel on YouTube.
"Amazing Grace" featuring Lisa Carr, Marcia Lucas (my mom) and me.
Then the Summer Concert Series in Guntersville was beautiful. Thanks everyone for coming out on such a hot night. I was so great looking out on the lake and singing for everyone. This was my first solo concert...however, my friend Doug Budzak took care of the sound and accompanied my on guitar on three songs. Thanks, Doug! By-the-way, Doug is leader of "A Band Named Sue" and he's great!
Then I played with some of the North Alabama Songwriters at the Madison Gazebo. It was fun and of course last year the train went by blowing it's horn while I was doing one of my songs....this year several ambulances or police cars when flying down the street with sirens screaming...right in the middle of one of my songs! Go figure... I knew, just my luck! LOL!
I dropped in at the Coffee Tree last Saturday night for open mic and met some talented kids my age. It's always fun to meet people my age who love music.
I went back for Songwriters Open Mic at the Coffee Tree tonight and met even more new songwriters my age. Lots of young folks writing now! The place was packed!
My Uncle Michael is a lot of fun....full of nonsense and makes me laugh, but WOW! He's a tough Algebra tutor! Thanks, Uncle Michael!
Hey, I need your prayers and good wishes this week-end. I'll be competing in the MOVA Songwriting Competition in Guntersville, Alabama. I've looked forward to this for several months. It got cancelled in April due to bad weather and was rescheduled for July 4th.
And, there's more coming up soon that I'll tell you about later.
"I'll See You Soon" ...MaryJustice
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