
Friday, September 06, 2013

Saturday, September 7, 2013 Join Us!

If you are in or around Lynchburg, TN, Saturday morning stop in at the BBQ Caboose Cafe and join us for the "Old Time Country Radio Show" hosted by Paul Jones and broadcast LIVE from WLIJ AM 1580 out of Shelbyville, TN. If you are in the radio listening area tune in! I am so honored to be invited back! Fun Time and some great food!

Later on Saturday, join me and some wonderful songwriters for the 17th Annual Singer/Songwriters For St. Jude Benefit at the Stem & Stein in Madison, Alabama. Del McGee has hosted this for 17 years. He pays all expenses and matches all contributions. This year The Stem & Stein will also match all contributions so all money collected will  go directly to benefit the children of St. Judes's Cancer Research Hospital.